Curriculum Vitae



Roger Buch


Research interest:


- The Danes and EU

- Communication in public administration

- Public service news

- Ethics in Journalism 

- Media and politics

- Party members

- Municipal reform

- Local Politics

- Political Parties



Motto for research and


The difficult is the simple.

The obvious is the brilliant.



Ph.D. in Political Science, Odense University
M.A. Political Science (cand.scient.pol.), Aarhus University

Teaching activities: 


 2004 -

Political Science, 1st. and 3rd. semester, 180 students                                             

Danish School of Journalism


2004 spring


Bachelorseminar, 9 students


2003 spring


Seminar: Interest Organisations, Parties, Media and Democracy, 55 students


2002 spring


Seminar: Interest Organisations, Parties, Media and Democracy, 10 students

2001 spring

Seminar: Political Parties and Members, 7 students

1993-2003 fall

Introduction to Political Science, 50-120 students

1995-2003 fall

Master of Public Management: Summer School and selected courses, 35 students

1995 spring

Public Administration, 70 students


If noting else mentioned all activities at Institute for Political Science and Public Management, 
University of Southern Denmark, Odense.

Academic Functions:



April 2010-


July 2004-march 2010


Professor (Forskningschef)                                                                                          Political Science                                                                                                          Danish School of Journalism, Aarhus

Associate Professor (Lektor)                                                                                          Political Science                                                                                                          Danish School of Journalism, Aarhus

Jan. 2001-june 2004

Associate Professor (Lektor), 
Comparative Politics, 
Institute for Political Science and Public Management, 
University of Southern Denmark, Odense.

Dec. 1999-Dec. 2000

Assistant Research Professor (Forskningsadjunkt), 
Comparative Politics, 
Institute for Political Science and Public Management, 
University of Southern Denmark, Odense.

Dec. 1996-Dec. 1999

Assistant Professor (Adjunkt), 
Comparative Politics, 
Institute for Political Science and Public Management, 
University of Southern Denmark, Odense.

Aug. 1996-Nov. 1996

Research Assistant (Forskningsassistent), 
Institute for Political Science and Public Management, 
University of Southern Denmark, Odense

Aug. 1993-July 1996

Doctoral Research Fellow (Ph.D.-stipendiat), 
Institute for Political Science and Public Management, 
University of Southern Denmark, Odense.

Professional Positions:













Editor of Journal for Reserach in Journalism: Journalistica



- Tidskiftet Journalistica

- Tidsskriftet Politica

- Tidskiftet Politik


Workshop director for the workshop "Local Politics", 
ECPR Joint Sessions, Warwick, England.




Public Communication:

Member of the board and secretary for Danish Political Science Association.





Roger Buch makes every year serveral speeches in public meetings, party and professional organisations, conferences etc.


Roger Buch is used in various Danish Media as expert in local politics, elections and political parties - number of media citations:

- 2013: 4.599

- 2012: 1.693

- 2011: 1.492

- 2010: 1.515

- 2009: 1.677

- 2008:   486

- 2007:   596

- 2006:   322

- 2005:   564



21. october 1967


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